FAQs about our general service

What web browser do you recommend for PoL?

We recommend you use Google Chrome for all the services provided by Techtec Co., Ltd. including PoL. Please note that although we have tested our services on Safari and Brave, we do not guarantee their operation.​ ​

Will you support an iOS or Android app?

We do not plan to support any native apps that have a dependency on a platform provider. We are working on PWA support to provide a more enhanced UX.​

I would like to be an ambassador. How can I apply?

You can apply here . If it has already reached its maximum enrollment, please follow our Twitter account and wait for the next recruitment.

How can I delete my account?

Please send an email titled “Request for account deletion” to the address below.​Email address: info@techtec.co.jp

FAQs about PoL​

I have not received PoL tokens.

You will not receive any PoL tokens if your quiz score is zero. The PoL token reward in each lesson is contingent on your first or second attempt for each quiz.

Is the curriculum's information correct?

The cryptocurrency and blockchain space is changing very quickly. Therefore, it is possible that what was correct when we first created the curriculum is no longer appropriate. Although we do our best to keep our curricula updated, please notify us here if you find any mistakes.

I have not received a registration email.

Please double-check the email address you entered. Please also be sure to search in your spam or junk mail folder.​ ​

Why can't I log in, or why haven't I received an email to change my password?

When you register for a new account, you will need to verify your email address. Please check the email sent to you after you register. If 24 hours have passed without verification, you will need to delete your email address. If this happens, please contact us at info@techtec.co.jp.

Am I allowed to use images and logos in PoL’s curricula?

Only ambassadors are granted the right to use our images and logos. We share the original data with the ambassadors.​ ​

Where can I use PoL tokens?​ ​

You can use PoL tokens to access our courses behind a paywall.(supported only in the Japanese version) The minimum unit of PoL tokens is 500 PoL.​ ​

What is the difference between PVT and PPT?

PVTs visualize an individual's learning history while PPTs can be spent to access our courses behind a paywall in order to bring you more learning opportunities. You can gain both PVTs and PPTs at the same time when you learn through our curricula. Only PPTs will be spent on purchasing exclusive courses.