Explore the World of the Future by Learning
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain on PoL
On PoL you can accumulate “PoL tokens” as you learn.
It’s a new form of educational service which turns your learning history into money and trust.
Learn on PoL and prove your knowledge by earning “PoL tokens”!
A free online education site for beginners.

Proof of Knowledge by Learning History
- Proof of Learning -

PoL is an online learning service specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain.
You can access a wide variety of content and a comprehensive glossary for free.

What is PoL Token?
PoL tokens are an asset you can acquire as you learn through the content provided by PoL. You can spend the gained tokens on PoL’s exclusive courses behind a paywall. It makes a whole new way of learning possible - the more you learn, the more you will be able to learn.
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Friendly Materials
You might have a negative view of cryptocurrency and blockchain - it’s too hard to learn. PoL helps change this image by offering friendly easy-to-read lessons.
Each lesson comes with a quiz allowing you to make sure your newly gained knowledge will be retained.

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A Wide Variety of Curricula
PoL’s goal is to become the only platform you need when learning, offering you wide-ranging curricula which enable you to systematically and comprehensively learn cryptocurrency and blockchain.
In addition, our offline community and workshops help keep you informed on the latest developments in the space.
Create Curriculum
- for Project -
Accelerate the expansion of the
PoL has a number of curricula available to learn about popular blockchain projects.
By publishing your curriculum on PoL, which is by far the most popular in the blockchain space, you can expand your community.
Why not take your project to the next phase by creating a rigorously reviewed, high quality curriculum?

Our Curricula
- Curriculum -
We provide you with a number of wide-ranging curricula so that you can learn everything you need using only PoL.More curricula to be added later on.
How to Use PoL
- How to use -
Stop wasting your valuable time. Learn efficiently.
Make sure to learn in the right order
You will probably find cryptocurrency and
blockchain not as complicated as you
thought if you start your journey with the
Study then quiz
On PoL, each lesson is followed
by a quiz. Review what you have
just learned to
absorb the new
Output what you input regularly
Outputting what you input on a regular basis boosts your absorption process. Express what you have learned on social media and at our offline workshops. Participation in the PoL forum also provides opportunities for output.
Have a clear image of yourself post-learning
“I want to be a writer.” “My goal is to be a blockchain engineer.” Be sure to always
imagine how you want to be after going through PoL’s curricula to improve your efficiency in learning. Make the most of your limited and valuable time.