Lesson 1: Let's learn the basics of cryptocurrency

¿Por qué necesito esta lección?

Cryptocurrencies have unique rules and prerequisites to learn. First of all, let's prepare ourselves before we start learning by looking at it like "that's just the way it is", like 1+1=2.

Lo que aprenderá en esta lección

  • What is cryptocurrency
  • How to manage cryptocurrency
  • The beginnings of cryptocurrency

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that literally has no substance.

It is hard to imagine because it exists only digitally, but you can use cryptocurrency to buy drinks and electronics.

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Where is cryptocurrency?

The yen and the dollar are referred to as legal tender in contrast to cryptocurrency.

In our daily lives, we manage this legal tender in a variety of ways, including putting it in our wallets, depositing it in the bank, and hiding it in drawers.

Cryptocurrencies also have their own way of management.

That is a "wallet.

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Bitcoin, the founder of cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin"...

Nowadays, many cryptocurrencies have been born, but the origin of all of them is "Bitcoin.

Let's deepen our understanding of Bitcoin first through PoL, and gradually learn about other cryptocurrencies.

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