Let's take a look at the development status of Brave
Brave has undergone a number of updates over the years.
The first major move was the donation to YouTube creators in BAT, which was launched in November 2017.
There are two ways to donate: ad viewers can donate directly to creators without going through an intermediary, or a predetermined amount is automatically donated each month.
Since donations are made anonymously, ad viewers can support creators' activities while protecting their own privacy.
For creators, donations are very helpful right after they start their activities.
On YouTube, as of 2019, you cannot earn ad revenue until your channel has more than 10,000 total views.
With Brave, creators who don't meet that requirement can still get support through BAT.
Starting in April 2019, BAT will be paid as a reward to users who view the ads.
At the start of the reward program, 70% of the overall ad revenue is paid to viewers as rewards.
Brave utilizes a machine learning mechanism to precisely match the interests of viewers with the ads it delivers.
As a result, users are able to view only the ads that interest them, improving not only the rewards for viewing ads, but also the satisfaction of viewing the ads themselves.
Then, in August 2019, Twitter also started to allow users to send BATs.
This system makes it possible to use BAT to support creators who are active not only on YouTube but also on Twitter.
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Brave's future initiatives
In the push notification type ads that already exist as of August 2019, 70% of the ad revenue is paid to the viewer and the remaining 30% is acquired by Brave.
In the future, web media will be able to place user-facing ad spaces called Publisher-integrated Ads on their sites.
Here, 70% of the advertising revenue will be distributed to the media, 15% to the user, and the remaining 15% to Brave.
These advertising platforms will enable the payment of rewards based on the viewing behavior of ad viewers, as we learned in Lesson 4.
In addition, other services such as GitHub and Vimeo, in addition to YouTube and Twitter, currently allow the transfer of BAT.
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What is the future use of BAT?
BAT is being used as a way to donate to creators, but it is expected that other ways of using BAT will be added in the future.
Specifically, there seems to be a plan to make it possible to use it to purchase content or pay for subscriptions to news sites.
By expanding the economic sphere of BAT, we can expect that a better advertising platform will be built.
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